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Vision and Mission



  • Aim to emerge as a great seat of higher learning and centre of excellence in the field of education by disseminating knowledge for human development and welfare.

  • To be working as a vibrant hub of cultural, sporting, extracurricular activities.






  • Aim to provide career counseling and guidance in every field to the students.

  • Aim to provide equal opportunity to the aspirants irrespective of religion, region, caste, creed, sex and ethnicity.

  • To keep up upgrading human and infrastructure resource and identify and introduce new emerging courses in the field of science, humanities, technology and management studies.

  • To impart quality and value based education to the students.

  • To inspire and ignite among the students, the thirst of seeking knowledge, truth, wisdom, sprit of tolerance, brotherhood, volunteerism and scientific temper.

  • To develop the qualities of leadership among the students to lead the society.

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